Monday, August 24, 2020



Ten Lies And More of Ahmed Maiwada .

Lawyers are said to be liars. This of course is a mistaken assumption.

We all know lawyers whose lives are, or were, in the devoted service of Truth and Justice. Gani Fawehinmi. Abraham Lincoln. Fidel Castro. Nelson Mandela, etc. 

However, for the young man and lawyer known as Ahmed Maiwada, whose overweening life ambition, it appears, is to be the President of the Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA), lies, lies and more lies is his chosen road to fulfilling his obsessive desire.

We shall try to list out at least ten (10) of the blatant lies this man has sold to the unwary in selfish service of his vaulting ambition.

#LIE No 1. 

Maiwada has severally claimed he went to court and recovered lost ANA land during his tenure as the National Legal Adviser of the Association. This is false! There was never any case instituted by ANA to recover her land. The case that had ANA requiring the services of Maiwada as a legal adviser was for breach of contract and was instituted by a former developer retained by ANA who alleged that the Association had defaulted on their agreement. If in doubt, those who have Maiwada's ear should request from him a CTC of the judgment on the land he allegedly recovered!

#LIE No 2. 

Maiwada claimed he rendered his legal service without payment. This is another blatant lie and it is sad to see otherwise intelligent people suckered by this deception. Now, even though the officials of the Association conventionally function without renumeration, Maiwada is on record to have received N5million naira from the new land developer and other sums collected at other times during the pendency of the suit. Records exist.

#LIE No 3.

Maiwada claimed ANA land is presently 36.9 hectares in proportion during his declaration for the presidency last year. Another lie! Maiwada, during his time as the National Legal Adviser recommended and drafted the agreement that saw the Association forfeiting all but 5 hectares of the land in exchange for construction of structures by the current land developer. Of course, the question may be asked: what was Maiwada's incentive  for authoring this most PRODIGAL of contracts? Your guess is as good as mine!

#LIE No 4.

Maiwada claims he ceased functioning on the ANA land committee at the instance of Denja Abdullahi, immediate past ANA President. This particular lie was exposed in the report presented to the 2019 AGM by the immediate former National Legal Adviser,  In the said report circulated at the AGM, Maiwada was listed as a member of the Land Committee and he (Maiwada) did not debunk it. The former Legal Adviser is a lawyer in Maiwada's Chambers. Further, it should be in the interest of all to ask who has been in possession of ANA case files all this while: Maiwada or his employee, the former Legal Adviser, It is this same Legal Adviser whose open allegiance to Maiwada's Presidential ambition allowed himself to be used by Maiwada to bring an end to the uncompleted and unprecedented ANA electoral processes in Enugu, when he was called upon as immediate ANA Legal Adviser to fashion a way forward. Instead of recusing himself because of his open support for Maiwada, it was his reading of the ANA Constitution to stop the elections that gave birth to what is being experienced today in ANA. Posterity will judge. 

#LIE No 5.

Maiwada has severally claimed that it was the Congress in Enugu that insisted on the bizarre nomination of representatives by the supposed Presidential candidates. This a howling falsehood. By the admission of his collaborators, Maiwada and some other persons met the evening before the AGM and there agreed to hijack the proceedings and impose this unprecedented arrangement. This is notwithstanding the fact that as at the time, no one had been nominated for any electoral position which according to the hallowed practice of the Association only happens on the floor of the AGM. (This has been the convention all the past years since inception). Maiwada and his supporters, implementing the agreement arrived at during their nocturnal meeting, hijacked the process and thereby foisted an arrangement that resulted in an unprecedented debacle at the convention.

#LIE No 6. 

Maiwada claims the Congress transmitted powers to the ANA chapter chairmen to conduct elections within 180 days. This is another lie from the pit of hell. 

The truth is that on account of the inability to hold elections which, remember, was orchestrated according to the script of the previous night's conspiratorial meeting of Maiwada and friends, the so called untraditionally composed Electoral Committee adjourned hoping to reconvene and conclude the election business at the Dinner Venue. This did not happen and they never reconvened till the Convention ended the next day. Never was there a time the Congress whether at the AGM or at the Dinner Venue transmit electoral powers to the Chapter chairmen.

#LIE No 7.

Maiwada claimed 21 chapter chairmen and Secretaries assembled in Abuja to elect him president. Another shameless lie! What happened was that the former ANA Abuja chairperson Halima Usman was goaded and elected to host chapter chairmen in Abuja, Maiwada's home ground to resolve the debacle in a release which the Chairmen kept to themselves. The major preponderance of the chairmen ignored the summons since there was no constitutional basis for it. A handful of Maiwada supporters however heeded the summons and on March 7th, 2020 quickly jumped from a meeting purportedly to address the impasse to an unconstitutional election of the National Exco into an "election" that saw all Maiwada's team "ushered" into office SAVE TWO ASPIRANTS WHO HAD BY THIS TIME ABANDONED THE ALLIANCE OF DECEPTION. A question that discerning ones should ask is: did any ANA member in any chapter give his/her chairman/secretary  the mandate to vote on his/her behalf in that unconstitutional and unprecedented sham called electoral college?

#LIE No 8.

Maiwada lied that he went to court, got and served an order on the Advisory Council of ANA restraining them from conducting elections at Makurdi. The truth is that a case was wrongly filed in the name of ANA Trustees purportedly represented by Stanley Kavwam former ANA Plateau Chairman, who deposed to an affidavit. The said Kavwam deposed to a false affidavit in which he occupied the seat of ANA Trustee! In the said case which has not even gone to court for mention not to even talk of hearing, save service on parties and appearance entered, Maiwada is suing for the ANA members of Trustees, claiming to be ANA President and acting as lawyer/counsel all at the same time in the same case. No court order was or has been granted. Every discerning person knows what a court order looks like. So where did Maiwada manufacture the order he and his cronies are blabbing about and purportedly served on Prof Jerry Agada, Odia Ofeimun, Akachi Ezeigbo, etc whom he derided as "personae non grata"? When has a court writ of summons now transformed into a court order in Abuja? One finds it even hard to imagine, that based on the court writ of Summons served on  Ten Lies And More of Ahmed Maiwada and others, Maiwada also deftly moved to serve a court Notice of Contempt on Denja Abdullahi, Camillus Ukah, Wole Adedoyin and Umar Yogiza, ANA members on official functions who are not even parties to the suit or having anything to do with the purpose of the suit in question. Imagine! 

#LIE No 9.

Maiwada lied to the Mpape Police Division that the new National Executive led by Camillus Ukah were in contempt of court by going to the Association's Secretariat. He told this lie because contempt cases and or orders are actually referred to the police or law enforcement authority for arrest and possible investigation until the contemnor is purged of such contempt. But the police found no Contempt nor any evidence of a court order transmitted anywhere, when no court order has been violated.

#LIE No 10.

Maiwada lies that on the strength of his imaginary contempt proceedings, the fathers and mothers of the Association whom he dismisses as personae non grata would soon be  sentenced to prison! Apart from the perverse ill will revealed in this wish for men of illustrious service and long standing in the Association, whose only crime is not succumbing to his vaulting ambition, the truth is that TIME WILL TELL who will experience a corrective spell in confinement. The records are being examined, documents prepared, representations made. The mills of Justice may grind slowly but they grind surely!

Never before has one man opened the door to dishonour of a sacred collective of creatives as being experienced today. Never!!!!

No despair nonetheless for in the immortal words of ancestor Chinua Achebe, (whom Maiwada once derided as a frustrated drama queen and his  world acclaimed TFA as a mere book of proverbs), in the words of Achebe, "No man, however great, can win judgment against his clan".

Maik Ortserga.

ANA General Secretary


  1. Well said.
    Posterity shall certainly take it's course!!

  2. Very saddening accounts indeed. ANA has always been above tribe, religion and stupidity.
